Can the anti-hornet and wasp product be used near hives or bee colonies?

Bees are essential pollinators for biodiversity and food production, but hornets and wasps can pose a threat to their colonies. In an ongoing commitment to providing environmentally friendly pest control solutions, a recurring customer question is the safety of the hornet and wasp control product when used near hives or bee colonies . Given the vital importance of bees for pollination and biodiversity, it is essential to ensure that pest control methods do not harm them. 

The anti-hornet and wasp treatment has been specifically formulated with this concern in mind. The extensive research and rigorous testing carried out before its release ensures that it effectively targets hornets and wasps without affecting bees, other beneficial insects or the environment. This was possible through the identification of active components that have minimal impact on non-target species, while remaining highly effective against targeted pest species.

Hornets and wasps: a threat to bee colonies

Hornets and wasps are natural predators of bees. They can attack bee colonies to feed on their honey and larvae. Asian hornets, in particular, are known to cause significant damage to bee colonies. However, it is important to protect bees because they play a crucial role in plant pollination and food production.

Is the hornet and wasp repellent product safe for bees?

The Hornet and Wasp Control product is designed to specifically target hornets and wasps, not bees. The active ingredients used in the product are selective and do not pose a danger to bees when used correctly.

Safety tests, carried out in collaboration with entomology experts and beekeepers, showed that no harmful effects were observed on bees when the treatment was used as directed. These instructions include recommendations on the best time of application (ideally during hours when bees are less active) and advice to avoid direct application to or in the immediate vicinity of hives. It is important to take certain precautions as well to avoid harming the bees when using the treatment. 

Precautions to take to protect bees

To protect bees when using the anti-hornet and wasp product, it is recommended to take the following precautions:

  • Avoid spraying the product directly on bees or blooming flowers.
  • Avoid treating hornet or wasp nests located near hives or bee colonies.
  • Treat hornet or wasp nests early in the morning or evening, when bees are less active.
  • Use selective hornet or wasp traps, which do not attract bees.

Other methods to protect bee colonies

There are other methods to protect bee colonies from hornets and wasps, such as:

  • Install anti-hornet screens on hives to prevent hornets from entering them.
  • Use lures to attract hornets and wasps away from hives.
  • Plant hornet and wasp repellent plants, such as lemongrass or thyme. 

We understand the importance of supporting bee populations and, to this end, we are committed to not only providing a safe product but also participating in initiatives to raise awareness and support local beekeepers. By working closely with beekeeping communities, we seek to promote pest management practices that protect bees and contribute to their well-being.

Additionally, we have received positive feedback from beekeepers who have used our product around their hives without observing any decrease in bee activity or health. These testimonials reinforce our belief that, when used correctly, our product represents a safe and effective solution for managing hornet and wasp populations without endangering bees or the ecosystem.

Our anti-hornet and wasp product has been designed with particular attention to bee safety. We are committed to providing a solution that not only protects our customers and their properties from pests but also preserves these crucial pollinators for our environment. By choosing our product, you are making a responsible decision, contributing to the protection of bees and the promotion of biodiversity in your garden and beyond.